答:原生浆最近因为桨板不断地涨价,价格一点不稳定。就是原生浆也有很多不同的质量,所以价格也是不一样的。不同厂家的价格也是不一样的。 成品的价格更不好说了,因为成品是按照不同规格包装的,多数是按件来卖的
答:一般一个月,看发货速度和物流情况。 你可以百度搜索“海淘concord”参考别的网友的事例。
答:介个没买过【土豆麻麻德淘攻略】德淘直邮BRITAX推车无税晒单 附购买攻略+查询追踪方法看看这个帖子也许可以还有有些浏览器可能不支持付款购买之类的
答:德淘安全座椅的父母越来越多,可见很多人意识到汽车安全座椅的重要性。从地域上看有德淘安全座椅、美淘安全座椅及英淘安全座椅等。 海淘童车交税的话是按20%算,而海淘安全座椅也是要交税的,一般的税费在10%。当然这个也看海关抽检,运气不好会...
As we were going along, she asked me what he had said; and I told her he had said it was all right As we were going along, she asked me what he had said; and I told her he had sai
As we were going along, she asked me what he had said; and I told her he had said it was all right As we were going along, she asked me what he had said; and I told her he had sai
Sheturned in the direction of the church, and the weight on her heartseemed to grow lighter, and even to vanish altogether; but when sheturned to go home by the shortest way, it r